This week has seen me starting my (second) masters level degree (this time an Msc) with Coventry University in Parapsychology which I am very excited about. The first module involves study of the history of Parapsychology, from the historical perspectives of paranormal events, through the growth of scientific method and more scientific thinking, through to Mesmer and his development of 'mesmerism' through to the start of spiritualism (all very interesting and fortunate for me, the topics overlap with my previous study with Edinburgh University - the parapsychology correspondence course). The next few weeks however will be much more challenging for me as we delve into the more 'philosophical' aspects of the module covering topics and theories such as materialism, idealism, natural monism and dualism; things I know absolutely nothing about. More on this soon....
Hi Claire. Congratulations on your forthcoming study. The first unit looks interesting - is it by coursework and thesis? Happy to keep in touch if I can be of any help to you. Cheers Rosemary Breen